Even though reading others mail is strictly against respecting each individuals right to privacy, there may be times when you will positively need to know what your children, spouse or employees communicate via mail. That’s when programs or software that monitors emails become useful. They capture and send to you every mail that pass through the computer.
The procedure is easy to use and install for you even if you are not that well versed with the system. Having this powerful tool installed keeps you in control of what goes on in the network. Every action is monitored like you have a surveillance camera on with which even snapshots can be taken in addition to recording each email sent.
This is important because this will give you valuable info into your child's or spouse’s behavior online, and the peace of mind to know exactly where they are spending their time on net and what kind of content they are trying to access.
And in case of an employer, it reduces frivolous or inappropriate activity within employees, monitor if the performance of employee is anyway affected due to his computer usage. It can also help you recover any lost valuable information, such as important mails, passwords etc.
Then, there is also the keylogger, a computer monitoring software, which monitors computer user activity, keyboard strokes, computer's desktop screenshots in addition to capturing all your computer user's activity, recording computer audio sound, computer voice chat, voice conference chat and recording the computer's room voices and sounds. It also monitors and records e-mails, websites, documents, chat sessions, instant message archives, chat conversations and keyboard typed text. It also helps in chat room monitoring, i.e., it reads and monitors each and every word said in chat rooms of commonly used programs such as Yahoo and MSN. Besides, it completely runs in hidden mode while monitoring your computer.
You can use keylogger when you are not near your computer as keylogger runs in surveillance mode. With it advance stealth mode capability; it works at your desired task. You can secretly monitor you computer when you are away from your computer and is highly efficient and user friendly.
The file download monitor comes into play when employees download large files like videos or music via FTP or torrent sites. Such activity uses up a lot of valuable computer bytes and incase the files are pirated or illegal, its the company's owner is responsible in front of the law. In addition, the screen capture takes keeps track of whatever that is being watched on screen with the help of instant snapshots. It also works in stealth mode, i.e., no one other than you need to be aware that the monitor software is installed. You can also use a password to protect anyone else accessing the information.
Summing up, if you want to know what is going on your computer when you are not with computer and if you want to track what applications are opened on your computer in your absence by your children/ spouse, and if you want to record email, voice chat and instant messageing records and if you want to track your employee activities in your absence, you can use e-mail monitor software.
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