Monday, 29 September 2008

The Global Ranking Of Business Thinkers For 2007

Given below is a list of the world's most important and influential business thinkers
(The 2005 ranking in brackets)

2 Bill GATES (2)
3 Alan GREENSPAN (35)
4 Michael PORTER (1)
5 Gary HAMEL (14)
6 Chan KIM & Renée MAUBORGNE (15)
7 Tom PETERS (4)
8 Jack WELCH (5)
9 Richard BRANSON (11)
10 Jim COLLINS (6)
11 Philip KOTLER (7)
12 Robert KAPLAN & David NORTON (22)
14 Charles HANDY (10)
15 Stephen COVEY (18)
16 Henry MINTZBERG (8)
17 Thomas A. STEWART (13)
18 Malcolm GLADWELL (31)
19 Lynda GRATTON (34)
20 Donald Trump (-)
21 Scott ADAMS (12)
22 Ram CHARAN (24)
23 Vijay GOVINDARAJAN (30)
24 Warren BENNIS (27)
25 Clayton CHRISTENSEN (21)
26 Thomas FRIEDMAN (-)
27 Kenichi OHMAE (16)
28 Rosabeth MOSS KANTER (19)
29 Steve JOBS (-)
30 John KOTTER (-)
31 Jeff IMMELT (-)
32 Rob GOFFEE & Gareth JONES (45)
33 Adrian SLYWOTSKY (-)
34 Marshall GOLDSMITH (-)
35 Bill GEORGE (-)
36 Larry BOSSIDY (-)
37 Daniel GOLEMAN (-)
38 Marcus BUCKINGHAM (-)
39 Howard GARDNER (-)
40 Edward DE BONO (-)
41 Al GORE (-)
42 David ULRICH (-)
43 Seth GODIN (-)
44 Costas MARKIDES (49)
45 Rakesh KHURANA (33)
46 Richard D'AVENI (-)
47 Peter SENGE (23)
48 Chris ARGYRIS (28)
49 Jeffrey PFEFFER (-)
50 Chris ZOOK (-)

This infpormation was taken from the site -
Please visit that site for more information and interviews with the above list of people

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