I still come across a certain set of people who have strong personal feelings in regards to "make money from blogging".
If you think marketing your blog is bad, immoral, uncool, greedy, horribly or everything after those principles, then do quit thiming of "how to make money frm blogging"
Then, if you also have mixed feelings over the monetizing of your blog, then its better you sort out those feelings first. If you think monetizing of your blog is wonderful, that is fine. If you think, it is evil, it is also fine.
But you have to form your understanding, before you consider seriously beginning to start down this way
Im other words, you have to be congruent or have a definite aim
Generating income from your blog is challenging enough — you don’t want to be dealing with self-sabotage at the same time. It should feel genuinely good to "earn income from blogging" — you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed.
If your blog has and is a genuine value source, then in all aspects, you need to make money off it. If you do decide to "earn income from blogging", then don’t be shy about it.
If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. Don’t just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere. If you’re going to request donations, then really request donations.
Don’t put up a barely visible "Donate" link and pray for the best. If you’re going to sell products, then really sell them.
Try and market the best quality products and try providing your visitors with genuine reasons about the product so they are inclined to buy same. If you’re going to do this, then fully commit to it. Don’t take a half-arsed approach.
Either take a full arsed or no arsed viewpoint, but definitely not a half-arsed view !
Now it is practically up to people on what they choose...
Some easy references.........
Have fun blogging and hope you make money blogging
Whatever may be the case, here is hoping that you "make money from blogging"
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Thursday, 26 June 2008
You may already know that within each type of blog hosting, there are several different popular-blogging-platforms or programs, you have probably heard of some of them already and may have even tried some of them already.
Blogger is a free hosted blogging tool by Google that has been around for a long time and is very easy to use. Many people make personal blogs on this site and it only takes about 10 minutes to set up your first blog. They have a nice selection of templates but Blogger doesn’t allow for a lot of customization. - http://www.blogger.com/
LiveJournal allows you to set up online journals quickly and easily. It is a collaboration and networking tool that is great for individuals but makes customization difficult. Again, it depends on what you are trying to do with your blog but if you hope to make money, this might not be your best option.
Textpattern is a free self-hosted tool which works best for those that are good with technology. It is much more customizable that the aforementioned options and it has wizard based interface to make this easier for you. It also uses custom formatting.
Typepad (hosted)/ Moveable Type (self-hosted)
Typepad was created by SixApart and is the hosted version of their popular MoveableType platform. These are both options for you to consider depending on your specific needs. Typepad is a paid blogging platform but it is still relatively affordable. There are different levels of access that will affect the price ranging from Basic to Pro.
Wordpress is both hosted and self hosted, depending on what your needs are. Wordpress is free and is easy to setup and use. There are hundreds of plugins to extend functionality in different areas. This is by far one of the most popular options around today. Here is a list of some popular blogging platforms which bloggers can install on their own servers:
Grey Matter
Grey Matter - (free + opensource) - http://www.noahgrey.com/greysoft/
Open Journal (free)
Open Journal (free) - http://www.grohol.com/downloads/oj/
Some popular blogging platforms
• b2evolution
• bBlog
• blosxom
• ExpressionEngine
• Drupal
• Movable Type
• Nucleus CMS
• Radio UserLand
• Roller Weblogger
• Serendipity
• Subtext
• Textpattern
• Windows Live Writer
Some popular blogging services [no installation required]
• Blog.com
• Blogger
• LiveJournal
• Open Diary
• TypePad
• Windows Live Spaces
• Wordpress.com
• Xanga
You have to decide for yourself which platform you think will meet all of your needs the best. So what should you look for while selecting a platform?
Blogger is a free hosted blogging tool by Google that has been around for a long time and is very easy to use. Many people make personal blogs on this site and it only takes about 10 minutes to set up your first blog. They have a nice selection of templates but Blogger doesn’t allow for a lot of customization. - http://www.blogger.com/
LiveJournal allows you to set up online journals quickly and easily. It is a collaboration and networking tool that is great for individuals but makes customization difficult. Again, it depends on what you are trying to do with your blog but if you hope to make money, this might not be your best option.
Textpattern is a free self-hosted tool which works best for those that are good with technology. It is much more customizable that the aforementioned options and it has wizard based interface to make this easier for you. It also uses custom formatting.
Typepad (hosted)/ Moveable Type (self-hosted)
Typepad was created by SixApart and is the hosted version of their popular MoveableType platform. These are both options for you to consider depending on your specific needs. Typepad is a paid blogging platform but it is still relatively affordable. There are different levels of access that will affect the price ranging from Basic to Pro.
Wordpress is both hosted and self hosted, depending on what your needs are. Wordpress is free and is easy to setup and use. There are hundreds of plugins to extend functionality in different areas. This is by far one of the most popular options around today. Here is a list of some popular blogging platforms which bloggers can install on their own servers:
Grey Matter
Grey Matter - (free + opensource) - http://www.noahgrey.com/greysoft/
Open Journal (free)
Open Journal (free) - http://www.grohol.com/downloads/oj/
Some popular blogging platforms
• b2evolution
• bBlog
• blosxom
• ExpressionEngine
• Drupal
• Movable Type
• Nucleus CMS
• Radio UserLand
• Roller Weblogger
• Serendipity
• Subtext
• Textpattern
• Windows Live Writer
Some popular blogging services [no installation required]
• Blog.com
• Blogger
• LiveJournal
• Open Diary
• TypePad
• Windows Live Spaces
• Wordpress.com
• Xanga
You have to decide for yourself which platform you think will meet all of your needs the best. So what should you look for while selecting a platform?
Friday, 20 June 2008
Recommended Programmes
AdsenseReady - 150 Content Rich AdSense Web Sites
Start your own small Google AdSense empire within minutes
Make Money Online With The Rich Jerk
No, this guy is definitely not from the usual league, yet he promises that Internet treasure chest. Don't ask me how he does it !
Make Money By Writing Online Ads
In short, it is a system that practically runs on autopilot that will make you money working for around an hour a day (once you set shop and get the hang of things)
Start your own small Google AdSense empire within minutes
Make Money Online With The Rich Jerk
No, this guy is definitely not from the usual league, yet he promises that Internet treasure chest. Don't ask me how he does it !
Make Money By Writing Online Ads
In short, it is a system that practically runs on autopilot that will make you money working for around an hour a day (once you set shop and get the hang of things)
Monday, 16 June 2008
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Earn $360 per month without investment
Earn $360 per month ,without investment , and 1.5 Hr. per day work
Are You serious about online earning, and ready to work 2 hrs per day
Then without any investment, it should possible for you to earn USD.200 per month to over USD.400 per month
This is possible through PTC (There are some sites which pay you for clicking the ads on their sites. These sites are called PTC [PAID TO CLICK] sites.
If you are serious about your business then try it. It is easy and fun.
You click 10 ads in one site = $0.01 * 10 = $0.1
Total time required [at 30 secs per site] = 30 * 10 = 300 secs
From 10 sites your earnings would be = $0.1 * 10 = $1 per day
Time factor required = 300 secs * 10 = 3000 secs
[ As 3600 secs = 1 hour, 3000 would about 50 minutes ]
Your monthly earning = $3.00 * 30 = $90.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month at 3 hours per day]
If You have 5 Referrals per day, your earning would be (5*0.5)= $2.50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $2.50 * 30 = $75.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month and 50% of them upgrade each day to premium level.]
And you also receive USD.5.00 once, for every upgrade.
If You have 2 Premium Referrals per day, you would earn (2*5)= $10 per day.
Your monthly earning = $10 * 30 = $300.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $300 = $465 for a 90 hour month
Now, if you achieved 10 Referrals per day it would be (10*5)= $50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $30 * 50 = $1500.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $1500 = $1665
A great dream eh !
If you are a bit of a techno-geek it would be a breeze for you. This is ideal for those in the age group of 14 to 16 and for working moms.
Following are the steps how you need to work:
1. Go to Paypal and Alertpay and register there. You will need this Paypal or Alertpay Personal account at time of registration with other sites. While registering it will ask for your Credit Card Information Click on cancel still your account is created at that time as it is not compulsory but surely u can add it later when u get paid by different sites and have a good amount in your paypal account.
* Create a new folder in ad favorite area (Your Browser-Favorites-Ad favorite-new folder-name of the new folder-save) in each browser.
2. Once you are registered, come back to and register with all the sites mentioned there. While registration, many sites will ask your Paypal Identity. You need to mention your Paypal email address or the email address you used while registration with Paypal.
3. Once you are done with registrations with all these sites, open all of them and login into them.
4. Every PTC website will have a button to open the advertisements page, it could be named like "Browse Ads", "Surf Ads", "Start Earning", "Earn Money", "View Ads" etc. Just locate this button and click on it to go to the advertisements page.
5. When you are on advertisements page, you will see several links. Each link will fetch you money, instantly. Click on one link at a time and let it open. Clicking on the link will open the page in new window. A countdown will start on the top of the page, wait for it to get over. Once the countdown is over, a "$" or tick will appear,which means that your account is credited.
6. Do not open any other advertisement from the same site until the countdown of the previous advertisement is over. That can cancel your credit for that click.
Tip: You cannot open two advertisements from the same website at a time, but you can always open advertisements from different sites at a time. You can open several or all the website all along, and login into them and go to advertisements page. Now click on one advertisement from each website. By the time you click advertisement from the last site, the countdown of the advertisement from first website will be over and you will be able to earn money faster than ever.
8. Every PTC website has a page where it shows how much advertisements have you clicked and how much balance is there in your account. You can only transfer this money balance once it reaches the minimum limit assigned by the owner of that website. The button to go to this page is normally named as "Members", "Your Stats", "My Stats" etc. This page will show you how much money you have earned. Once you reach the minimum limit, you can transfer that money to your Paypal account.
9. Once the money reach your Paypal account, you can transfer it conveniently to your Bank, or call for a cheque or credit the amount to your credit card.
NOTE - Some Of the sites donot support PAYPAL so they pay you through ALERTPAY
For referral user : Go Your profile area in each site, copy referral link and pest it in any word document with the site name.
Send this link with a documentation to your friends through mail, free blog, yahoo answer, orkut site from different online earning related free forum. So start the work:
Create your account with ;
Paypal - http://www.PayPal.com
Alertpay - http://www.alertpay.com
B. Registered your name in the following PTC sites and start earning.
Clix Sense - http://www.clixsense.com/?2452326
Bux.to - http://bux.to/?r=comic2
10Bux.net - http://10bux.net/?r=comic2
Extra10 - http://extra10.com/?r=pete2
Neobux - http://www.neobux.com/?r=pete2
I have only listed few sites here, but there are so many out there - all you gotta do is to just google and identify them..
Besides, with a single post from any paid-review – it is enough to generate, anywhere between $5 to $10 for a single hours work. There are more such gimmicks, where time management is a priority.
Also mentioned below are some leads to freelancing and paid reviews
Check them out…
You might decide to take them up ……..
Ta for now
Are You serious about online earning, and ready to work 2 hrs per day
Then without any investment, it should possible for you to earn USD.200 per month to over USD.400 per month
This is possible through PTC (There are some sites which pay you for clicking the ads on their sites. These sites are called PTC [PAID TO CLICK] sites.
If you are serious about your business then try it. It is easy and fun.
You click 10 ads in one site = $0.01 * 10 = $0.1
Total time required [at 30 secs per site] = 30 * 10 = 300 secs
From 10 sites your earnings would be = $0.1 * 10 = $1 per day
Time factor required = 300 secs * 10 = 3000 secs
[ As 3600 secs = 1 hour, 3000 would about 50 minutes ]
Your monthly earning = $3.00 * 30 = $90.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month at 3 hours per day]
If You have 5 Referrals per day, your earning would be (5*0.5)= $2.50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $2.50 * 30 = $75.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month and 50% of them upgrade each day to premium level.]
And you also receive USD.5.00 once, for every upgrade.
If You have 2 Premium Referrals per day, you would earn (2*5)= $10 per day.
Your monthly earning = $10 * 30 = $300.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $300 = $465 for a 90 hour month
Now, if you achieved 10 Referrals per day it would be (10*5)= $50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $30 * 50 = $1500.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $1500 = $1665
A great dream eh !
If you are a bit of a techno-geek it would be a breeze for you. This is ideal for those in the age group of 14 to 16 and for working moms.
Following are the steps how you need to work:
1. Go to Paypal and Alertpay and register there. You will need this Paypal or Alertpay Personal account at time of registration with other sites. While registering it will ask for your Credit Card Information Click on cancel still your account is created at that time as it is not compulsory but surely u can add it later when u get paid by different sites and have a good amount in your paypal account.
* Create a new folder in ad favorite area (Your Browser-Favorites-Ad favorite-new folder-name of the new folder-save) in each browser.
2. Once you are registered, come back to and register with all the sites mentioned there. While registration, many sites will ask your Paypal Identity. You need to mention your Paypal email address or the email address you used while registration with Paypal.
3. Once you are done with registrations with all these sites, open all of them and login into them.
4. Every PTC website will have a button to open the advertisements page, it could be named like "Browse Ads", "Surf Ads", "Start Earning", "Earn Money", "View Ads" etc. Just locate this button and click on it to go to the advertisements page.
5. When you are on advertisements page, you will see several links. Each link will fetch you money, instantly. Click on one link at a time and let it open. Clicking on the link will open the page in new window. A countdown will start on the top of the page, wait for it to get over. Once the countdown is over, a "$" or tick will appear,which means that your account is credited.
6. Do not open any other advertisement from the same site until the countdown of the previous advertisement is over. That can cancel your credit for that click.
Tip: You cannot open two advertisements from the same website at a time, but you can always open advertisements from different sites at a time. You can open several or all the website all along, and login into them and go to advertisements page. Now click on one advertisement from each website. By the time you click advertisement from the last site, the countdown of the advertisement from first website will be over and you will be able to earn money faster than ever.
8. Every PTC website has a page where it shows how much advertisements have you clicked and how much balance is there in your account. You can only transfer this money balance once it reaches the minimum limit assigned by the owner of that website. The button to go to this page is normally named as "Members", "Your Stats", "My Stats" etc. This page will show you how much money you have earned. Once you reach the minimum limit, you can transfer that money to your Paypal account.
9. Once the money reach your Paypal account, you can transfer it conveniently to your Bank, or call for a cheque or credit the amount to your credit card.
NOTE - Some Of the sites donot support PAYPAL so they pay you through ALERTPAY
For referral user : Go Your profile area in each site, copy referral link and pest it in any word document with the site name.
Send this link with a documentation to your friends through mail, free blog, yahoo answer, orkut site from different online earning related free forum. So start the work:
Create your account with ;
Paypal - http://www.PayPal.com
Alertpay - http://www.alertpay.com
B. Registered your name in the following PTC sites and start earning.
Clix Sense - http://www.clixsense.com/?2452326
Bux.to - http://bux.to/?r=comic2
10Bux.net - http://10bux.net/?r=comic2
Extra10 - http://extra10.com/?r=pete2
Neobux - http://www.neobux.com/?r=pete2
I have only listed few sites here, but there are so many out there - all you gotta do is to just google and identify them..
Besides, with a single post from any paid-review – it is enough to generate, anywhere between $5 to $10 for a single hours work. There are more such gimmicks, where time management is a priority.
Also mentioned below are some leads to freelancing and paid reviews
Check them out…
You might decide to take them up ……..
Ta for now
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Freelancing/ Blogging Job Links
In addition to monetizing your own blog with advertising spots, paid reviews, affiliate marketing, freelance jobs etc., there are many opportunities on the Net for getting paid for blogging and other freelance jobs.
Helium - Where publishers and freelancers meet. At Helium’s Marketplace, publishers post the titles they need articles for right now. "Publishers are paying from $20 to $200 for each selected article"
B5 Media
"They normally post their job openings for bloggers at ProBlogger"
Lists a number of blogging opportunities on it’s site.
Associated Content
Associated Content invites everyone to contribute original video, text, audio and images on any topic to gain exposure and earn cash. AC offers upfront payments for some content submissions as well as a monthly Performance Bonus payment for all of your original content.
Write articles on any of a vast array of topics, including product reviews, “how to” guides, holiday reviews, essays and much more. If approved by WiseOrb editors, Wise Orb will publish your article on this site, and pay you according to how popular the article is. You can write about whatever you like, as long as the article adheres to WiseOrb terms and conditions.
Constant Content
Website that sells original content for your websites, blogs, newsletters, etc. Writers can submit articles on many topics and once approved, it is available for sale. Clients can also request custom articles from writers. You can sell the articles by usage or exclusively to one client. With Constant Content, you are paid for sales, rather than paid by article.
Blogger Jobs.biz.
Career blogging listings.
Defense Talk
Get Paid to Write About World Militaries and World Military Weapons. For articles that are accepted, you get paid $25-$35In addition, you can bid on writing projects at all of the freelance boards listed below
The largest online freelance site. Large freelance writing section
Probably the second largest coding freelance site. Focused on programming but there are technical writing jobs there to be had.
This site has the lowest costs but it doesn’t have some of the features of Elance and Rentacoder. You can find some writing gigs here but it is focused more on coding/ programming.
Another reasonably good freelancing site
A very large outsourcing site with plenty of writing jobs.
Contracted Work
A medium sized contracting site
A medium sized contracting site
Freelance IT jobs.
Freelancers.net lists many jobs and projects open to UK freelancers, however clients from across the globe use Freelancers.net regularly to source freelancers outside of the UK.
Freelance Jobsearch
Freelance Jobs
In addition to the above sites, you can go to any of the search engines and using the search feature, type in [blogging or writing jobs] to find the writing and blogging jobs available.
Helium - Where publishers and freelancers meet. At Helium’s Marketplace, publishers post the titles they need articles for right now. "Publishers are paying from $20 to $200 for each selected article"
B5 Media
"They normally post their job openings for bloggers at ProBlogger"
Lists a number of blogging opportunities on it’s site.
Associated Content
Associated Content invites everyone to contribute original video, text, audio and images on any topic to gain exposure and earn cash. AC offers upfront payments for some content submissions as well as a monthly Performance Bonus payment for all of your original content.
Write articles on any of a vast array of topics, including product reviews, “how to” guides, holiday reviews, essays and much more. If approved by WiseOrb editors, Wise Orb will publish your article on this site, and pay you according to how popular the article is. You can write about whatever you like, as long as the article adheres to WiseOrb terms and conditions.
Constant Content
Website that sells original content for your websites, blogs, newsletters, etc. Writers can submit articles on many topics and once approved, it is available for sale. Clients can also request custom articles from writers. You can sell the articles by usage or exclusively to one client. With Constant Content, you are paid for sales, rather than paid by article.
Blogger Jobs.biz.
Career blogging listings.
Defense Talk
Get Paid to Write About World Militaries and World Military Weapons. For articles that are accepted, you get paid $25-$35In addition, you can bid on writing projects at all of the freelance boards listed below
The largest online freelance site. Large freelance writing section
Probably the second largest coding freelance site. Focused on programming but there are technical writing jobs there to be had.
This site has the lowest costs but it doesn’t have some of the features of Elance and Rentacoder. You can find some writing gigs here but it is focused more on coding/ programming.
Another reasonably good freelancing site
A very large outsourcing site with plenty of writing jobs.
Contracted Work
A medium sized contracting site
A medium sized contracting site
Freelance IT jobs.
Freelancers.net lists many jobs and projects open to UK freelancers, however clients from across the globe use Freelancers.net regularly to source freelancers outside of the UK.
Freelance Jobsearch
Freelance Jobs
In addition to the above sites, you can go to any of the search engines and using the search feature, type in [blogging or writing jobs] to find the writing and blogging jobs available.

Thursday, 5 June 2008
How To Supercharge Your PTR Earnings
Came across this a few days ago and thought and it appeared comfy
Of course, you don't have to purchase anything, you get paid for just looking at the ads. (The marketers do get good results and that's they keep spending their ad-money at the popular PTR programs.)
For example, my good friend Tushar Sheth made $1,604.98 without spending a dime from just 3 such programs (you can join over 20).
And now he has finally revealed his strategies how he does it through his popular MoneyListProfits.com (MLP) System.
Here's what I recommend that you do immediately if you really want to take some definitive action to shake things up and cause some major positive changes in your monthly online revenues:
Step 1: Watch The Video
Watch Tushar's "$1,604.98 Video" where he logs into his own personal accounts and shows you how much extra money can be made from PTR programs without spending a dime:
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
(His private video has become extremely popular and his server is getting hammered with numerous requests to watch it at the same time, so if you can't see the video immediately then try again later.)
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
Step 2: Join MLP
After watching the video, immediately signup and become an MLP Member from his website. You will then be able to discover the names of those programs that are making payments to hundreds of his members regularly every month.
You can also use those programs to promote your own website and /or affiliate products to thousands of other PTR users (it is still quite an unknown marketing strategy, but the news are spreading fast -- so you better hurry!)
Oh, and you will also discover his secret PTR strategies and get his power tools that he shares with MLP Members only -- that will help you increase your monthly PTR earnings at a rapid pace.
You can always choose to use your earnings to cash-out or to promote your own or affiliate websites to other PTR users for even higher profits.
Step 3: Become Tushar's Exclusive Partner
As his exclusive partner, Tushar will pay you $25.00 per member that you refer to MLP.
And he will also share some exclusive power-tracking tools and step-by-step bootcamp training to help you get at least 5 referrals in just 10 days even if you are a "newbie" in affiliate marketing.
(I bet you haven't ever seen the power tools that he will give you anywhere on the net before!)
Expect to make more from his private state-of-the-art partnership program than you have ever made from any other normal affiliate program!
Entry into his partnership program is by invitation only, but you can get in if you become an MLP Member today. Instructions on how to create your MLP Affiliate Partner account will be sent to you immediately on becoming an MLP Member.
Anyway, here's to your success,
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
I strongly recommend watching the entire "$1,604.98 Video" immediately and completing the other 2 steps outlined above if you really want to increase your monthly online revenues in 2008 starting immediately from this month:
Of course, you don't have to purchase anything, you get paid for just looking at the ads. (The marketers do get good results and that's they keep spending their ad-money at the popular PTR programs.)
For example, my good friend Tushar Sheth made $1,604.98 without spending a dime from just 3 such programs (you can join over 20).
And now he has finally revealed his strategies how he does it through his popular MoneyListProfits.com (MLP) System.
Here's what I recommend that you do immediately if you really want to take some definitive action to shake things up and cause some major positive changes in your monthly online revenues:
Step 1: Watch The Video
Watch Tushar's "$1,604.98 Video" where he logs into his own personal accounts and shows you how much extra money can be made from PTR programs without spending a dime:
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
(His private video has become extremely popular and his server is getting hammered with numerous requests to watch it at the same time, so if you can't see the video immediately then try again later.)
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
Step 2: Join MLP
After watching the video, immediately signup and become an MLP Member from his website. You will then be able to discover the names of those programs that are making payments to hundreds of his members regularly every month.
You can also use those programs to promote your own website and /or affiliate products to thousands of other PTR users (it is still quite an unknown marketing strategy, but the news are spreading fast -- so you better hurry!)
Oh, and you will also discover his secret PTR strategies and get his power tools that he shares with MLP Members only -- that will help you increase your monthly PTR earnings at a rapid pace.
You can always choose to use your earnings to cash-out or to promote your own or affiliate websites to other PTR users for even higher profits.
Step 3: Become Tushar's Exclusive Partner
As his exclusive partner, Tushar will pay you $25.00 per member that you refer to MLP.
And he will also share some exclusive power-tracking tools and step-by-step bootcamp training to help you get at least 5 referrals in just 10 days even if you are a "newbie" in affiliate marketing.
(I bet you haven't ever seen the power tools that he will give you anywhere on the net before!)
Expect to make more from his private state-of-the-art partnership program than you have ever made from any other normal affiliate program!
Entry into his partnership program is by invitation only, but you can get in if you become an MLP Member today. Instructions on how to create your MLP Affiliate Partner account will be sent to you immediately on becoming an MLP Member.
Anyway, here's to your success,
==> http://www.moneylistprofits.com/ptrvideo/page15964.html
I strongly recommend watching the entire "$1,604.98 Video" immediately and completing the other 2 steps outlined above if you really want to increase your monthly online revenues in 2008 starting immediately from this month:
Monday, 2 June 2008
A Home Business With No Plan
A marketer, when she was a ten year old kid wanted to bake a cake to surprise her parents. She went into the kitchen and starting mixing together flour, sugar, chocolate chips, ice cream and just about anything else she could find that looked good. You can probably imagine how it turned out. It wasn't a pretty sight. She ended up with a big mess and something (she couldn't even call it a cake) that tasted absolutely horrible.
Now today, if she's baking a cake - she'll start with a recipe. She explains how she measures out all the ingredients and follows the exact instructions on the recipe.
Now her cakes turn out pretty good and she even gets a couple of compliments.
But what does any of this have to do with planning ahead? Actually lots!
You see, making money online without a proven plan is a lot like trying to bake a cake without a recipe…you'll only end up making lots of mistakes, a big mess and wasting a bunch of money.
Work-from-home, freelancing or home-business may seem easy, but actually starting a home-based-business takes courage, determination and persistence
But first ... the most important factor in starting a home business is YOU!
In order to be successful, your home-business has to fit your talents and interests. The second important thing is that starting a home-business takes time, some investment of money [not including your regular salary, that you may have to forego], and lots of marketing to get it going.
Here are some questions to consider when you are starting a home-business ;
At the beginning, Internet home business can seem really overwhelming. It offers you unlimited income potential and the opportunity to be your own boss. You take the risks and work hard to build it into a profitable enterprise.
Here are some points to consider once you have decided to take the plunge.
Ofcourse, you can join an affiliate program for free and receive your own free duplicate website, BUT you will need to invest time, energy, and even yes, some money into promoting your home-business!
On the other side, a work at home job or a freelance job offers you the opportunity to receive a regular salary and to do one specific task, and an employer pays you.
A work at home job offers more security and less risk than a home business.
In other words, a Freelancing allows you to freedom to work in spurts (i.e., on short term projects) and then take a breather!
Wishing you the best in your home-business.
The next step is up to you.
Now today, if she's baking a cake - she'll start with a recipe. She explains how she measures out all the ingredients and follows the exact instructions on the recipe.
Now her cakes turn out pretty good and she even gets a couple of compliments.
But what does any of this have to do with planning ahead? Actually lots!
You see, making money online without a proven plan is a lot like trying to bake a cake without a recipe…you'll only end up making lots of mistakes, a big mess and wasting a bunch of money.
Work-from-home, freelancing or home-business may seem easy, but actually starting a home-based-business takes courage, determination and persistence
But first ... the most important factor in starting a home business is YOU!
In order to be successful, your home-business has to fit your talents and interests. The second important thing is that starting a home-business takes time, some investment of money [not including your regular salary, that you may have to forego], and lots of marketing to get it going.
Here are some questions to consider when you are starting a home-business ;
- Is Starting a Home Business for You ?
- Do you have the discipline to work your home-based-business, every day ?
- Are you able to motivate yourself and work without supervision ?
- Can you handle not having a predictable, regular income ?
- Are you able to learn new things to grow with your home-business ?
- Are you willing to market your home-business ?
- Read some quality marketing books to get an idea of what is involved.
- Are you optimistic and willing to take risks ?
- Do you have time and money to invest to get your home-business going ?
- Is there a place in your home that can be an uninterrupted work space ?
At the beginning, Internet home business can seem really overwhelming. It offers you unlimited income potential and the opportunity to be your own boss. You take the risks and work hard to build it into a profitable enterprise.
Here are some points to consider once you have decided to take the plunge.
- Start-up Costs – If there are any, ie., no regular salary
- Markets - identify whether there is a market for your products or services
- Preparation - preparation required to get the business up and running
- Time factor - how much time can you devote to your business
- Income - the Income factor and the time needed to break-even.
- Skills - whether you have the needed skills.
- Legal - whether the business opportunity you have identified is legitimate
Ofcourse, you can join an affiliate program for free and receive your own free duplicate website, BUT you will need to invest time, energy, and even yes, some money into promoting your home-business!
On the other side, a work at home job or a freelance job offers you the opportunity to receive a regular salary and to do one specific task, and an employer pays you.
A work at home job offers more security and less risk than a home business.
In other words, a Freelancing allows you to freedom to work in spurts (i.e., on short term projects) and then take a breather!
Wishing you the best in your home-business.
The next step is up to you.
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