Tuesday 24 April 2007

Why Do They Say Blogging Is Hot ?

Why is blogging so hot?

If you have spent any time on the internet, you must have heard the word "blog" and "blogging".

But, just what is this concept of blogging and how can it make you rich? This is where everybody appears to be at a loss

Of course, making money is what it is all about so you will have to learn how to use your blog for this purpose

In other words, "make money from blogging".

The phenomenon of creating and managing web logs has caught the imagination of the online community.

Weblogs – or blogs – and their related tools, tricks, tips and paraphernalia are springing up all around you.

As a savvy web marketer aspiring to be "ahead of the curve", what do YOU need to know about blogs and blogging?

A lot.

And the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Your exciting voyage into "blogging" and "make money from blogging" begins now.

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