Monday, 29 September 2008
The Global Ranking Of Business Thinkers For 2007
(The 2005 ranking in brackets)
2 Bill GATES (2)
3 Alan GREENSPAN (35)
4 Michael PORTER (1)
5 Gary HAMEL (14)
6 Chan KIM & Renée MAUBORGNE (15)
7 Tom PETERS (4)
8 Jack WELCH (5)
9 Richard BRANSON (11)
10 Jim COLLINS (6)
11 Philip KOTLER (7)
12 Robert KAPLAN & David NORTON (22)
14 Charles HANDY (10)
15 Stephen COVEY (18)
16 Henry MINTZBERG (8)
17 Thomas A. STEWART (13)
18 Malcolm GLADWELL (31)
19 Lynda GRATTON (34)
20 Donald Trump (-)
21 Scott ADAMS (12)
22 Ram CHARAN (24)
23 Vijay GOVINDARAJAN (30)
24 Warren BENNIS (27)
25 Clayton CHRISTENSEN (21)
26 Thomas FRIEDMAN (-)
27 Kenichi OHMAE (16)
28 Rosabeth MOSS KANTER (19)
29 Steve JOBS (-)
30 John KOTTER (-)
31 Jeff IMMELT (-)
32 Rob GOFFEE & Gareth JONES (45)
33 Adrian SLYWOTSKY (-)
34 Marshall GOLDSMITH (-)
35 Bill GEORGE (-)
36 Larry BOSSIDY (-)
37 Daniel GOLEMAN (-)
38 Marcus BUCKINGHAM (-)
39 Howard GARDNER (-)
40 Edward DE BONO (-)
41 Al GORE (-)
42 David ULRICH (-)
43 Seth GODIN (-)
44 Costas MARKIDES (49)
45 Rakesh KHURANA (33)
46 Richard D'AVENI (-)
47 Peter SENGE (23)
48 Chris ARGYRIS (28)
49 Jeffrey PFEFFER (-)
50 Chris ZOOK (-)
This infpormation was taken from the site -
Please visit that site for more information and interviews with the above list of people
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
A Collection Of Freelancing Blogs And Links
Freelancing is often a difficult profession, it can be lonely and nerve wracking at the same time.
But you can make it easier on yourself by learning from and bonding with other freelancers out there who’ve blazed the trail ahead of you. Here are a few blogs, in no particular order, that can help you find advice and guidance for your freelancing career.
Whether you’re just a small time blogger or a novelist hoping to write a new classic, these blogs can give you some helpful advice and information on how to improve your writing and manage your freelance career.
Fab Freelance Writing: Writer Angela Booth gives advice on improving your writing skills in her blog, as well as her informative series of free ebooks on a wide variety of specialty topics.
Freelance Writing Jobs: This blog provides not only links to job opportunities for freelance writers, but also advice on how to get the job you want.
Successful Blog: While directed more at professional bloggers, this site has a great variety of tips for every kind of writer.
InkThinker: InkThinker is written by Virginia writer-editor Kristen King and brings her experience at finding her place as a freelancer to her blog.
The Golden Pencil: The Golden Pencil is a blog that caters to freelance writers. Check out their 31 days of freelancing tips for small ways to improve your freelancing skills.
Ask Allison: For those wanting to break into the writing profession, this blog is a great resource. Send Allison your questions or read her answers to other reader queries.
Writer’s Resource Center: Find all kind of information on writing at the Writer’s Resource Center. Learn how to please editors, market your freelance work and find cheap publishing. There are also job boards for writers and freelancers.
Editor’s Ink: Learn about the business of freelance writing with this blog dedicated to freelance writing and editing.
The Independent Journalist: The freelance journalist will benefit from this respectable blog associated with the Society of Professional Journalists. The site has a freelancer directory, postings for jobs, and advice for freelancers all over the world.
Bad Language: Marketing writer Matthew Stibbe gives advice on blogging, freelancing, PR and even how to ace an interview.
Freelance Writing Business Blog: Freelance copywriter Janice King shares her thoughts on business and marketing as well as information on books and materials to help the freelance writer.
Write This Moment: Write this Moment is dedicated to providing information on jobs and resources for writers. Get your questions about writing and freelancing answered by the writers of this blog.
Inkwell Editorial: Not sure where to start on your freelance writing career? Check out this blog, especially their series on 40 Days to a Successful Freelance Writing Career and great ebook series.
Writing for Reason: In this blog you’ll find writing and commentary on freelance writing and marketing.
Freelance Writing Tips: Freelance writers Craig and Linda blog about journalism, making great pitches and more at this freelance writing blog.
Writers Weekly: Writers Weekly is the highest circulating free e-zine for freelance writers and contains articles on publishing, setting rates, and even fan mail.
Learn to sell your freelance services and hone your copywriting skills with a little guidance from these blogs.
CopyBlogger: One of the best copywriting sites on the Web, Copyblogger gives great advice on how to create good marketing content, ultimately helping you sell more stuff.
Copywriter Underground: Professional copywriter Tom Chandler gives advice and consultation on marketing and how to sell anything.
MarCom Writer Blog: Learn all about marketing communications from professional Dianna Huff on this great marketing blog.
The Copy Writing Maven: Find tons of great resources on copywriting from the Copywriting Maven including tips on writing great Web content and working with clients.
Adventures in Copywriting: Freelance writer Mike gives his thoughts on what it’s like to be a freelancer as well as some humorous insights into the day to day workings of it as well.
Michel Fortin: Michel Fortin is a copywriter and consultant and his blog is full of advice on how to become a better marketer and write more persuasively.
Writing White Papers: There are tons of copywriters out there, so how can you learn to stand out in the crowd? Start by reading this blog.
Ask a Copywriter: Have a question about copywriting you’ve been dying to ask but didn’t know who to consult? Send you question to this blog and finally get the answers you’re looking for.
The Write Spot: Freelance copywriter and blogger Ann-Marie Nichols shares her experiences with working on the Web.
Micro Persuasion: Marketing is a rapidly changing field due to constantly evolving technologies. Keep abreast of the technical side with this blog by Steve Rubel.
Signalwriter: The author of this blog is an incredibly accomplished copywriter and marketing man, so you can learn quite a bit by reading his blog. Who knows, maybe you’ll find something inspirational.
The Opinionated Marketers: Get unfiltered opinions on marketing and advertising from three pros in the business on this blog.
Even the best freelance designers can use a little inspiration now and then. Check out these graphic design and illustration blogs to give you a little spark.
Coroflot: Here you’ll find guides on how to get design work, what companies are looking for in their designers, and maybe even a place to showcase your portfolio.
Design Jump: The design world can be competitive and confusing at times, but this blog aims to give some unique knowledge and insight on how to be successful.
Darjan Panic: Learn about typography, photography and boosting your design blog at the personal site and portfolio of Darjan Panic.
Top Tut: Not sure how to create the look your client wants? Check out this blog. It’s chock full of tutorials for designers and webmasters.
David Airey: Designer David Airey gives advice on this blog about logo design, blogging, dealing with clients and even business cards.
Graphic Design Blog: Here you’ll find loads of articles on design, illustration, and advertising specially geared towards freelancers.
Graphic Design Forum: At the Graphic Design Forum you’ll not only find
lots of tips from fellow graphic designers, but a forum and a library of design articles as well.
All About Freelance: This blog is written just for the freelance graphic designer. You’ll find articles on time management, project organization and even a few design tricks you can try.
Drawn!: More into illustration than design? Then this blog might be of greater interest to you. Here you’ll find information on the latest and greatest in the illustration and cartooning fields.
Designers Who Blog: As the name suggests, this blog, or rather a collection of blogs, is entirely written by designers. You’ll find some quirky content but also some informative stuff as well. If you’re feeling up for it, add your own blog to the mix.
Design View: This blog is a collection of articles written by Andy Rutledge. He answers questions about design, and writes about professionalism, deadlines and other issues relevant to freelance design.
What better place to look for programming and Web advice than on the Web? Read up on how to make your freelance business a success.
Warren Seen: Freelance software developer Warren blogs about all kinds of coding as well as his advice on programming.
Entrepreneurial Geekiness: Being a geek is big business nowadays, and this blog is all about becoming an entrepreneur in the tech market.
Programmer Helper: Need a little help with a big project? Check out this blog for programming tips and advice.
Carlos on Web: Carlos Velasco is a freelance programmer in the Philippines. Read his articles on reasons why you should become a freelance programmer as well as things you should consider before making the leap.
Ben Ramsey: Programmer, author and consultant Ben Ramsey gives his two cents about the latest news in the programming world.
Best Practices: Web developers might find some useful advice in this blog, both on freelancing and on a wide variety of programming issues.
A List Apart: A List Apart is a great resource for web designers. There are articles on layout, design, process and even on how to get along with other designers.
Smashing Magazine: Smashing Magazine, and its blog, are all about providing innovative and useful information to web designers that makes their jobs easier.
Design Float: Design float isn’t really a blog in and of itself. It’s an aggregator that brings together the best web design posts.
Future of the Web: Having issues with accessibility and making sites user friendly? Take a look at this blog for some tips as well as loads of information on programming issues.
Web Worker Daily: Chances are, if you work online, you’ve already heard of this site. But if not, give it a look. Its full of tips to boost your productivity while working on the Internet.
Robert Alamos: This blog by Robert Alamos can give you insight and advice on starting and running your own online business, including tips for being successful at freelancing.
Biznik: Biznik is a business networking site, and the blog gives information about the program. If you don’t find anything of interest on the Biznik site, check out the member blogs as well.
Gautam Ghosh: Gautam Ghosh is an India-based blogging consultant. His blog contains information on HR issues, leadership, training, organization development and social media. Check it out if you want to improve your own blog or help others to improve theirs.
Consultant Journal: Thinking about a freelance career as a consultant? The Consultant Journal can help you learn the basics to get started and keep going.
Management Consultants’ Blog: Keep up with the latest in consulting news with the Management Consultants’ Blog. Learn about networking online and off and make connections in the field.
Steve Shu’s Blog: Steve Shu, management consultant, talks about his experience consulting as well as management in general and other related issues. Consulting Blog: gives you information on how to score consulting jobs and find your niche in the consulting market.
Balancing work and family life can be hard working outside of the home and it can be even harder when the line is blurred by working at home. These blogs give some guidance on keeping both parts of your life in sync.
Success from the Nest: Learn how to create a successful work at home business in this entertaining and illustrated blog.
Freelance Dad: New York-based freelance parenting writer Gary Drevitch shares his expertise on parenting and his commentary on the latest news.
Freelance Parent: Moms and freelancers Tamara and Lorna help other freelancing parents maintain a balance between the adult working world and the world of childcare. Find advice on this blog about finding your niche, managing your finances, and finding inspiration.
At Home Mom Blog: Freelance writer and blogger Genesis gives advice on how to make your work at home business a success, get organized, and stay productive all while looking after demanding little ones.
A Vocational Duality: Sometimes freelancing and motherhood overlap and require a lot of multitasking. Here, blogger Christa posts articles relevant to working from home, parenting and marriage.
Dad Balance: Blogger Derek Semmler gives tips and advice for work-at-home Dads who want to find a balance between their career and their family. Working at home, despite the fuzzy slipper appeal, can be a daunting prospect. Get some advice on working, parenting, or even how to manage the stress of the two.
Career and Kids: Don’t neglect the best years of your kids’ lives for your work. This blog can help you work in things that mean the most to you, like coaching your child’s team or going on field trips, with your freelance career.
Work It: Work It is a great blog for working mothers. Written by several business minded mothers, it can help you strike a balance between work hours and family time.
Just Loving Life: Friends Wanda and Paula blog about their work at home marketing business and how they make it work with their busy lives.
Some of the best freelance blogs provide information for all fields, not just one. Find job offers, helpful advice, and business help on these blogs.
Freelance Switch: Freelance Switch is full of resources for freelancers. Get some great advice on the blog, chat with other freelancers in the forum, use the job posting board to find work, or check out their list of free freelance tools.
All Freelance: All Freelance has tons of great articles on every aspect of freelancing from how much to charge to how to keep on task when you’re working at home.
Freelance Folder: Freelance Folder is chock full of information for freelancers in every field as well as small business owners. You’ll find tons of useful links, articles and advice on being successful at whatever you’re working towards.
Self Employed Blog: Deciding to leave the world of cubicles can be the best decision you ever make, but it can also be a daunting one. Get tips and advice from Eartha on how to make the transition between the two and make your self-employment rewarding.
Gizfolio: The main Gizfolio site is a place where businesses and freelancers can post jobs and get work, respectively, but the site also has a blog where you’ll find all kinds of articles with advice on freelancing as well as the occasional competition in which you can showcase your work.
Freelancer’s Union: Many freelancers aren’t even aware that there is such a thing as a freelancer’s union, but there is, and it exists to help you. Check out their blog to band with your fellow freelancers and maybe even find some work.
The Freelance Pro: The purpose of the Freelance Pro is to help readers learn to be successful and well-respected writers and designers and stop thinking like “employees” and start thinking like their own employers.
The Anti 9-to-5 Guide: This blog is primarily directed at women, but men will find some helpful advice here as well. As the title suggests, the blog is dedicated to helping readers make the transition between the cubicle and the freelance lifestyle. If you like what’s the blog, check out the book of the same title as well.
Ninja Freelance: This multi-author blog contains numerous articles on helping you become a “ninja” at freelancing. Learn how to get rid of bad clients and what mistakes to avoid.
One Man Band: Freelance writer and photographer C.E.H. Wiedel blogs about the trials and tribulations of DIY (do-it-youself) business.
Codswallop: Codswallop helps freelancers learn to make the best use of technology to increase their productivity.
The Freelancing Blog: Written by a fellow freelancer, the Freelancing Blog attempts to share the experiences and lessons learned during a freelancing career.
Freelance Tipster: Get little tips on how to boost your freelance career on this blog.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
The topic of your blog
What are the things that you enjoy talking about and that you would like to share with others? For instance, if you are a writer, then a blog containing information on writing would be suited for you.
The same is true for any thing that interests you. You can share the hobbies that you enjoy. If certain events that are taking place in the world get you stirred up this could be a good topic for your blog. You do however, have to choose a topic so that anyone interested in visiting your blog will know what to expect.
Otherwise, very few people may want to waste their time going to a blog when they have no idea what it is about.
After determining the things that interest you, your next step would be to choose the topic from these things that is broad enough to allow you to gather information to have something to talk about. You do not want to make two or three entries then run out of things to say. An example of a good topic would be a
network marketer.
Someone with this type of blog could write about tips on marketing tools and strategies. They could also talk about marketing software and a number of other subjects related to network marketing. The key is to have a topic that will allow you plenty of material to talk about, but still small enough that you can stay focused on one subject.
Readers come to expect a certain amount of information when they look at your blog. This is why it is important to stay focused on your original topic most of the time. If you begin talking about to many other subjects to often, some of your readers could lose interest and look elsewhere for information. It doesn’t hurt to throw something else in there occasionally just to keep things interesting, but for the most part stick to your topic.
Be Creative
Just because we said it is best to stay with your original topic doesn’t mean that you cannot experiment a little. There are ways to add zest to your blog while staying focused. For instance, many have found that adding interviews and group projects to their blogs worked really well. You could even invite a lot of people to blog together at the same time. There are a variety of different things that you can try on your blog. You just need to stay open minded enough to give new things a try once in a while. If one thing does not work well, move on to something else. Eventually you will find what works best for your blog to keep
your readers interested.
Use Popular Ideas
You can do some background research to see what is popular at this time. Big ticket topics are always things such as:
How to make money
How to lose weight
How to improve your life (your marriage, your job, etc,)
You can find out about hot topics to include in your blog with some simple and
easy research.
One hot topic is weight loss. This is a very popular topic today. People want to read about how they can lose a few pounds or get in better shape. Weight loss topics and techniques are incredibly popular and you can tailor your niche to things like:
Weight loss for new moms
Weight loss for seniors
Weight loss for the middle aged man
Weight loss after surgery
Weight loss for menopausal women
People are also highly interested in topics that are related to their diet and health such as which foods to eat, great exercises to get desired results, how to supplement a vegetarian diet, etc. You might do reviews and experiments of common weight loss programs, exercise programs, etc. There is just a mass of information to be found on the topic. If it pertains to health and fitness or weight loss, you are probably in the gold.
Make Money Blogging
You can’t forget this one! Making money is another very popular one. People love to have more information about how they can make more money. If you can help them find ways to make more money, they will gladly pay the small fee for your e-book. I mean, the potential risk is low and the potential gain very high.
Some examples might be:
How to make money in real estate
How to make money in the stock market
How to become a day trader
How to avoid common money-making scams
Making money without scams or pyramid schemes
There are many other great topics out there for you to write about. All you need to do is find the topic that will work for your blog and then research from there to keep updated content while blogging